Donations to US organizations: You can contact the charitable organization directly and confirm that they have received payment from Pledgeling Foundation.

If you need further confirmation, contact us and we can provide the information for you -- we can find when we paid your donation out to the recipient organization, and confirm that that they have cashed the check. We can provide check images if necessary.

Donations received by Pledgeling Foundation during a calendar month are batched together and regranted, usually by paper check, within the first fifteen days of the following month – so please allow time for that to happen and for the nonprofit to process the payment. Some nonprofits are very quick to process payments, while others are not.

For donations outside the US: we work though international charitable donation processors and due to minimum fees, do not send them donations for regranting to a specific organization until there a minimum $500 in donations for that organization. This can substantially delay delivery of the funds, but the benefit is reduced fees.